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Category: Sports

The Good and Bad of Accessibility in Two Minutes with the Olympics

Tuning into a bit of the Olympics this morning, within two minutes the reality of accessibility in 2024 is on display. Audio description for a channel showing multiple sports is impressive but the schedule view of the Olympics iOS app not so much. The progress is appreciated here but the gaps are still far too many.

NBC has taken a page from the NFL’s Red Zone and introduced a channel called Olympic Gold Zone. It provides whip-around coverage of events and live audio description of a two-box split screen for two sports mixing between live commentary is impressive as an example.

The Gold Zone channel is part of the coverage available on the Peacock streaming service. Scott Hanson of NFL Red Zone fame is one of the channel hosts. Coverage runs for 10 hours a day, starting at 6A central.

Downloading the Olympics iOS app and choosing schedule though, shows accessibility that would not make it to the metal round. My experience with VoiceOver was a jumble of words, untagged images and more. I had no success understanding the actual schedule.

Back to the Gold Zone, the live audio description is excellent. As you’d expect, you get details that are just not included in the standard TV broadcast. Player reactions, details about the stadiums, surroundings for events in the city and more. And all of that is mixed in with both the Gold Zone host and announcing from the sports. It will be a fun two weeks of athletic competition.

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2023 Fantasy Football Draft Tracker Available

I’ve written previously about tracking a fantasy football draft and have an updated spreadsheet to track a fantasy football draft for 2023. I wrote about how to use this in an earlier blog post. My original description is also available.

My podcast, The Podcast to be Named Later, has a fantasy football primer if you want to learn more about fantasy football.

I have made no changes other than updating player data for 2023. If you have any questions or find issues, please drop me a note.

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Terrill Thompson Retires From NCAA Accessible Bracket Business

After a 17-year run of providing the industry leading and in many cases only example of an accessible NCAA tourney bracket, Terrill Thompson announced his retirement from the bracket business in a thoughtful blog post yesterday.

Thompson has pointed bracket enthusiasts to Yahoo’s Fantasy Tourney Pick’em and indicates having ongoing discussions with Yahoo staff about accessibility.

In announcing his retirement, Thompson has directed users to groups for both the Men’s and Woman’s tournaments on Yahoo’s site. Thompson indicates successful completion of bracket creation with JAWS and Chrome (Men’s) and keyboard only (Woman’s) use.

His blog post, which indicates more than 200 users of the accessible bracket service in some years has more details on issues he did encounter, with Thompson reporting he’s seen Yahoo make some changes already.

This Wisconsin Badger fan can report success in creating tournament brackets with JAWS and Edge on the desktop and VoiceOver and Yahoo’s Sports Fantasy app on the iPhone. Unfortunately, Wisconsin failed to make the tournament for the first time in several years.

In announcing his retirement, Thompson issued a challenge of sorts to the “huge corporations” behind tourney sites, such as ESPN, CBS Sports and more. Thompson wrote:

“I have always felt some deep reluctance to host a “separate but equal” website. Mainstream websites, including those featuring tournament pools and brackets, should be designed for everyone, not solely for mouse users with good eyesight. Accessibility has always been technically possible – the first version of the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines was published in 1999. If one lonely guy can create an accessible tournament site in his spare time, huge corporations like ESPN (Disney), CBS, and FOX should surely be able to do the same.”

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University of Wisconsin Hangs Out No Screen Readers Allowed Sign For Big Ten Opener

On Friday, the University of Wisconsin Badgers kicked off the COVID-19-influenced 2020 football campaign with a resounding 45-7 victory over the Illinois Fighting Illini. Like much in this year of change, Camp Randall was empty of the typical 80,000 fans.

To bring some of the gameday experience into the home, Wisconsin social media touted a new Badgers Live gameday experience.  Unfortunately, what Wisconsin Athletics clearly failed to do was ensure this experience was open to all fans. Instead, they hung out a sign to people who use keyboards and screen readers saying, “You are not welcome.”

Anyone familiar with web accessibility will recognize obvious WCAG failures on the opening signup screen.  Missing form labels and lack of keyboard access to needed controls just to name a couple.

If you manage to get past that, the signup experience has another basic failure where you are asked to pick an image to represent your user account.  The images are not reachable from the keyboard and are missing proper alt text.

There are likely many other failures beyond this.  I gave up after the inability to pick an image in the account creation process.

Web accessibility is not new and in fact is not optional for public institutions such as the University of Wisconsin. The university has detailed accessibility policies at

At this point in my mind there is no reason beyond institutional indifference from at minimum the Athletics department to accessibility for these situations to keep happening.  This is not the first time I have experienced accessibility issues with web offerings from the athletics department.

It is far beyond time that Director of Athletics Barry Alvarez and Chancellor Becky Blank take accessibility of the online experiences for Wisconsin Athletics seriously. This new gameday experience may be exciting or it may be of absolutely no interest to me. But I, like any other fan, should have the opportunity to join and evaluate for myself.

As of Sunday, inquiries to Chancellor Blank on Twitter have gone unacknowledged. Email to a member of the athletic department indicated the issue would be investigated but with no date for an answer.

We are in unique times with all of us facing many challenges that were unexpected at the start of the year. But it is important that as we respond to those challenges, as Wisconsin Athletics has here, we keep our values and responsibilities in mind. Clearly someone at the university had the time to find this service. In fact, pregame radio interviews with members of the athletic marketing department repeatedly promoted how the team was looking to respond to COVID-19 and still create quality experiences for players and fans. This should have included accessibility and failing to do so is simply unacceptable.

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MLB Strikes Out on Accessibility

Although it took a structured negotiation and settlement, at one point MLB seemed like it was turning the corner on improving and sustaining accessibility. Sadly that time seems to have passed, much like a favorite star of yesterday.

Most recently, MLB added a simple game to their AT Bat app with a bracket challenge to pick winners in the upcoming Home Run Derby. The problem is for accessibility purposes, MLB used “Player Name” as the accessible names for each player. Obviously this means if you use a screen reader such as VoiceOver on the iPhone, you have no idea what names you’d be selecting. Capping the problem off, when I called MLB’s dedicated accessibility support phone number to report the issue, the support representative asked me, “What’s VoiceOver?” I spent more of the call teaching the person how to use VoiceOver versus anything else.

One can only wonder if MLB did any accessibility testing of this game. It took me less than two minutes to notice the issue. For an organization that seems to keep statistics on almost every conceivable aspect of a game, it doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult to ensure accessibility testing is a part of all processes.

After trying the game in the At Bat app, I did try the web site as a part of writing this blog post. That does work a bit better but still has issues. Further, why should users of screen readers be forced to jump through extra hoops and try multiple versions just to have a bit of recreation? MLB has demonstrated the ability to be a leader in accessibility previously. Here’s hoping the organization finds a way to return to those levels. In this case, it is a strikeout on accessibility, leaving this fan disappointed and more.


TuneIn Live on Alexa

If you are a user of the TuneIn audio services and in particular a subscriber to their premium TuneIn Live service, TuneIn Live on Alexa might be worth exploring. The service is available at a discounted rate of $2.99 for Amazon Prime members or $3.99 without a Prime subscription.  This is lower than the standard $7.99 monthly subscription price.

One benefit I enjoy in TuneIn Live is the fact that audio for the NFL, NBA, MLB and NBA, which typically requires individual subscriptions, is part of the service.  Whether you use the Alexa option or the standard TuneIn Live, if you subscribe to multiple audio services, this is likely a cost savings.

TuneIn Live works on most Alexa-enabled devices. I was initially a bit hesitant to try this option because I didn’t want to be held to just the physical locations of any Echo devices I have.  Although it isn’t listed in the supported devices, I’ve found that TuneIn Live on Alexa  also works on an Amazon Fire tablet. This is great for portability.

I remember the good old days of internet streaming when audio from those radio stations that were online was available without by and large any limitations.  Those days have long gone, especially for things such as live professional sports, which now mostly require some sort of a subscription.

TuneIn in the free form offers a great deal of audio.  I find the Live subscription version adds enough value that it is worth the cost.  Adding the Alexa option for a discount, especially since it works on the portable Fire tablet and saves either $4 or $5 off the monthly subscription is worth considering.

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Using Excel to Track a Fantasy Football Draft

For the past several years I’ve taken part in a family fantasy football league. Each year when draft time comes around, I start my process of figuring out how I’m not only going to draft my team but also keep track of the full draft results. As a member of the league, I want to draft the best possible team. As league commissioner, I need to know the full draft results because I’m responsible for entering our draft into Yahoo, where we run the league. Most importantly, as a part of the gang that comes together each year for the draft, I want to enjoy the experience and not just focus on playing draft tracker to get all the data. As a user of screen reading technology, I want an experience that works well with the technology I use.

Our league uses an auction style draft. For those unfamiliar with fantasy football, this basically means that each league member is given a budget of $200 to invest in building a team of 16 players. We draw numbers to determine what’s known as a nominating order where each of us then nominates a player and then auction-style bidding takes place until someone wins the auction to have that player on their team. This process continues until every team in the league has 16 players.

Our draft generally takes about four hours. This means that over 240 minutes, we are drafting a total of 160 players. That translates to an average of one player every 1.5 minutes. That is definitely just an average because in the early rounds, we can spend five or more minutes per player. In the late rounds, when few people have any auction money to spend, it isn’t uncommon to spend 15 seconds per player.

Fantasy football is a booming business and you can buy paper draft kits from many locations. We use a paper draft board with stickers for player names and then manual writing and tracking of money spent and calculation of remaining money on draft day. Stickers are color-coded by position such that running backs might be red and wide receivers blue. Thus it is easy for everyone in the room to quickly determine when someone’s team is getting a bit position heavy as mine did by my drafting perhaps a few too many running backs early on.

In addition to tracking what players are assigned to what team, I wanted to track how much auction money each league member had spent, how many players they had drafted, how many players they still needed, and what we call their remaining max bid. That last talks about the maximum they can spend on any given player and still field a full team. At some point, most turn into “one-dollar guys” because of the number of players they still need and the money they have left. This is when the auction moves quickly. In short, I wanted to duplicate what we track on paper.

I also wanted my process to allow me to communicate with everyone else about what was going on during the draft. And again, more importantly, I didn’t want my process to interrupt from the experience, which is equally about the conversations, banter and time together with family and friends.

As I mentioned early on, I’ve been doing this league for several years so figuring out what strategy I was going to use to track the draft wasn’t a new exploration for me. My choice came down to RotoWire’s 2017 Fantasy Football Draft Kit or using Excel. RotoWire’s app is quite good and does allow for tracking all the items I’ve mentioned. For me the biggest limitation is just in the speed at which you can enter data rapidly in a fast-paced environment and then review it when using VoiceOver on an iPhone or iPad.

Excel is basically a blank slate so for me picking Excel meant I’d have to find a good source of player data that would easily import into Excel. It also meant I’d have to work out all the details on formulas and such to track what I wanted. That said, Excel has powerful keyboard access and pivot tables make tracking some of what I needed quite easy.

This year I opted for Excel and decided to invest a bit of time ahead of the draft to make my process as efficient as possible. Here’s a bit more background on what I did.

Player Data

You can find dozens of NFL fantasy rankings and cheat sheets online. Few of these work well for importing into Excel because they are generally formatted for printing. The best site I’ve found for obtaining player data that easily loads into Excel is the NFL’s fantasy player data. You can select from the various positions and then get a table of players for that position.

Loading the data itself into Excel is where I have come to appreciate the versatility of the copy and paste functionality the JAWS screen reader has for dealing with web content. JAWS has two modes for copying and pasting text from the web. A setting allows you to choose between using what JAWS calls the Virtual PC cursor view of the page and what JAWS calls on-screen highlighting.

For those unfamiliar with screen reading technology, the Virtual PC view presents web content in a more linear fashion and adds more details about page structure such as headings, lists and tables. It is excellent for reading web pages but not so much for copying and pasting where you want to retain formatting.

Using JAWS, copying the player data involved just a few key presses. I navigated to one of the positions I was interested in, such as quarterbacks, and pressed the letter t to navigate to the table of data. JAWS, like other screen readers, allows users to press hotkeys to navigate to various parts of a web page, such as t for tables, h for headings and so on.

Next, I pressed F8, a JAWS hotkey to select all the text and formatting of the item with focus on a web page. Note before doing this you must press up arrow once, since by default JAWS positions the user on the data in the first cell of the table when using the letter t to jump to a table.

After selecting the text, I simply pressed control+c, the default Windows shortcut for copy, used Alt+Tab until I was back to Excel, moved to the location where I wanted the player data pasted and pressed control+v to paste the result.

Building My Spreadsheet

In building my spreadsheet, I had to think about several factors. As one example, was I going to put the data for each position on a different sheet in an Excel file or use one sheet for all data. I opted for a single sheet and pasted all the different position data into that sheet. That allows for rapid searching of player names when tracking draft picks. I made one key improvement though, that takes advantage of a basic keyboard navigation feature in Excel.

As my first column, I inserted headings for the different position types. For example, in Cell A2, I inserted the term QB. The NFL data includes at least 40 players for the quarterback position, so I knew my next position of player data would start appearing in row 42. Row 1 was overall column headers, rows 2-41 quarterback data and row 42 is where wide receiver data started. So, in cell A42, I put a header of Wide Receiver. I continued this pattern for all player data.

The result was that column 1 of my spreadsheet had just a few pieces of data and I could then use the key control+up or control+down arrow to quickly jump from player group to player group. When using Excel from the keyboard, control and the four arrow keys will jump to the next cells with data in that direction, skipping over blank cells.

After copying and pasting all the player data, I made just a couple more modifications to my basic spreadsheet. I’m a big fan of the Tel Me feature in Office applications, so pressed alt+q and entered the term insert and used Tell Me to add two new columns to my spreadsheet. I added these immediately after the player name. One column was for tracking the team that selected the player and one for the dollar amount.

I also wanted to ensure I didn’t make typing errors during the auction because some of the calculations I wanted to do would then not work correctly. I used Excel’s data validation functionality to ensure I only entered correct team names.

Tracking the Draft with a Pivot Table

Pivot tables are a very powerful feature in Excel for examining data in various ways. At the most basic level, a pivot table allows you to assign data to categories such as rows, columns, values or a filter in the resulting table. Excel then takes care of all the calculations, such as quickly adding the totals for all the items in a certain column. Part of the power of this feature then comes from the ability to quickly adjust what data is assigned to what category and view your results.

For my basic pivot table I wanted to track how many players were assigned to each team, the money spent by each owner, how much money was remaining and the maximum that could be spent on any given player. I started by inserting a basic pivot table by choosing the Insert Ribbon with alt+n and then tabbing once to the pivot table option. I could have pressed alt+n, v to do the same directly.

At this point Excel asks you for the data you want to use for the pivot table. The default for this is the range of the sheet you are on when you ask to add a pivot table. Again I had copied my data from the NFL’s web site so wasn’t confident it would have every possible player so I had to ensure to increase the range of the data I was going to use to account for the fact that I might manually enter players during the draft. This simply involved typing an updated range reference.

I next selected the defaults offered by Excel to add the pivot table to a new sheet and the OK button. I then had my new pivot table ready for me to choose how I wanted to view the data.

Choosing the Data for a Pivot Table

After you insert a pivot table, Excel moves you to the new sheet and positions you on cell A3 of the new sheet. To choose what data is assigned to the different categories, press F6 to move to the field list. By default you are on a search box where you could search for different names of data. The number of fields in my table was small so I simply tabbed once to the list of fields available and used the up and down arrows to move to different fields. To use a field, from the keyboard press Shift+F10 on the field name, and choose where you want it used in the pivot table.

My pivot table was very basic. I added the field team owner, referring to the fantasy football teams in our league, to my table rows. I then added Player to values. In this case I wasn’t interested in the specific players, just the count. Last I added price, again to values. In this case I was interested in Excel adding up the money spent by each team.

After finishing with my selections, I pressed F6 until I was back to the spreadsheet area for my pivot table. I now had a table with three columns. The columns were by default Team Owner, Count of Player and Count of Price. Count of was text added by Excel.

Again Player and Price were columns I told Excel to add to the values section of my pivot table. When you do this, Excel chooses defaults for how the data should be summarized. There are a range of options but in this case the two I was interested in were count and sum. For the players, Excel’s default choice of count was just fine. However, for price, I needed to make a change.

To change how Excel summarizes data in a pivot table, move to the data and press Shift+F10 on one of the cells. The resulting menu will have an option listed as Summarize By. From that choose the option you want. In my case, I chose sum, meaning I wanted Excel to add the actual values. For comparison, count simply adds whether data exists or not, independent of the value of that data. Had I left the Price to be summarized by count, when the draft was done, each row would have shown a value of 16. By changing the summarization to sum, Excel added up the actual dollar amounts used.

Final Steps

Before I was ready for the draft, I made some final functional and cosmetic changes to my pivot table. I added some basic formulas to take the money spent and subtract that from $200, our total allowed, to be able to keep track of how much money each person had left in a fourth column. I added a fifth column, to show the maximum amount that could be spent on any given player. Last I adjusted the names of the columns where Excel had inserted default text of count and such, just to give myself more user-friendly names.

While this was enough for most of what I wanted for the draft, I added a second pivot table. In this case I added player to both values and columns. This made a very large table but allowed me to use control left and right arrow to jump through all the players taken by each team during the draft.

Draft Day

Overall my spreadsheet worked well on draft day. For the majority of the draft I had no trouble keeping up with the pace of the draft. In the last hour, Excel crashed a couple times on me, requiring a machine reboot and some behind-the-scenes updating of player selections. The pivot table tracking of money spent worked better than expected and over the course of the draft became the source of truth for who had what left to spend. As for my fantasy team, we’ll have to wait for the NFL season to play itself out to see how I did.


Seattle’s Beep Baseball Team on TV


The Seattle Sluggers, a beep baseball team, started playing last year. One of the local TV stations just ran a story on the team. I thought the reporter did a good job at explaining the sport and not making people who are blind sound either helpless or like super freaks, the two ends of the spectrum that can often happen with this kind of story. I am part of the team and find it a nice change from the world of computer accessibility.


The story is at The direct link to the video is You can learn more about the sport of beep baseball on the National Beep Baseball Association’s home page.

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Take Note How You Purchase MLB Gameday Audio

With baseball’s opening day just a couple days away, a friendly note for anyone who might not have purchased a Gameday Audio subscription yet. MLB is advertising this year that if you subscribe to Gameday audio on a device such as an iPhone, one subscription will work on the device as well as the web site.

While this is true, the reverse is not. That is, if you subscribe to the web site version of Gameday audio, that account will not work to listen to audio on a device such as an iPhone. If you go the iPhone purchase route, use app settings to add your subscription to the web site and avoid paying for two subscriptions.

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Yahoo’s Tourney iPhone App Worth a Try

Every March I do an annual hunt for an online site to complete an NCAA basketball tournament bracket in an accessible fashion. I’ve yet to see one of the major sports sites figure out how to make this experience accessible. Terrill Thompson’s
accessible bracket work does deserve to be called out though as a positive example of what can be done. And of course if you know of other examples of good web accessibility here please let me know.

This year I opted to give Yahoo’s Tourney Pick’em for the iPhone app a try. Measuring accessibility by the fact that I was able to submit my bracket with relative ease, I have to say this app is worth trying.

The app is relatively straight forward to use. Game selections are made from a multitabbed and multipage interface. Each region (East, South, Midwest and west) as well as the final four are a separate tab when making selections. Rounds within a division are separate pages within that tab. Teams are selected by activating buttons named “pickemcheckmark blank” to the right of the team name.

If you prefer to use VoiceOver’s sweep right and left gestures to explore an app, it takes a couple explorations to figure out the pattern of what button is associated with each team. For example in the East region, once you get to the team area, sweep right gestures read items in this order for the first game with Syracuse selected to win.


Selected, pickemcheckmark blank


pickemcheckmark blank


North Carolina Asheville

The app is by no means perfect. Starting with the fact that “pickemcheckmark blank” leaves room for improvement in terms of button naming for accessibility purposes, you can easily find other instances of oddly named or completely missing names on buttons as you use the app. Live game action views for example have numerous nameless buttons.

Still this app is definitely a positive step. I’ve been able to successfully complete more than one bracket and better yet quickly compare my bracket with family and friends as talk of the NCAA tournament and The Wisconsin Badgers in particular has gone on this week. For the record I have Wisconsin losing to Ohio State as part of the Elite Eight and Michigan State tapped to win it all. But then again I can quickly submit another bracket with this app, at least for a few more minutes this morning.