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Hope For Pandora Accessibility

I’ve written previously about frustrations with the Pandora music service to take accessibility seriously and address the shortcomings with the sign in process and the Flash in general used on the web site. While Pandora hasn’t changed the basic response of get someone to help you sign in or lack of addressing accessibility, I am delighted to announce there is Hope for Pandora.


Hope in this case is an accessible Windows Pandora client created by the same developer who is the driving force for the wildly popular Qwitter Twitter client used by many computer users who are blind. At a cost of $10, Hope is well worth the investment for the functionality the client makes available today and to support continued work from this developer. With the first release of Hope happening just a few days ago, and the track record I’ve seen of improvements from the developer, this is something I’m more than willing to support.


You can learn more about Hope from the product’s readme document.


Since I have talked about Pandora accessibility previously, it is worth mentioning that the iPhone version of the Pandora client works well with VoiceOver, Apple’s screen reader. And should you be curious how easy it is to create accessible apps for the iPhone or iPad, read one of the best articles I’ve ever read on accessible software development. Even if you have no interest in the iPhone or iPad, read the article because it does a great job at knocking down many of the myths I’ve heard over and over about how people who have visual impairments use or do not use software.

Published in Uncategorized


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