I normally do not write blog posts directly online using WordPress. However in doing some updating today, I noticed text talking about a new editing experience coming to WordPress called Gutenberg. Details on the project can be found at https://wordpress.org/plugins/gutenberg/.
If you are a screen reading user who writes content inside of WordPress, trying Gutenberg is something you may want to consider. I’m just learning it as I write here but am noticing some issues between the new editing experience and screen readers. Most notably, as you arrow around content you are creating, you are hearing details about the format, such as paragraph, heading and such. This would be great but often you hear it for all the content, not just the item with focus and also, at times you do not hear the current line with focus at all. This seems to happen most frequently when you transition between what Gutenberg considers blocks. Blocks are basically different elements, such as paragraphs, headings and such.
There is a GitHub issues page for the project at https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues.
If trying new experiences and giving feedback is something you are inclined to do, this may be worth investing time in, especially if you are an author who uses WordPress. The project page indicates the goal is for Gutenberg to become the default editing experience in WordPress over time.