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OverDrive Improves Libby Accessibility

I have written several times about accessibility problems with Libby and other apps made available from many public libraries from OverDrive. I am overdue in acknowledging some of the progress that has been made on this front.

OverDrive has detailed many accessibility improvements to the Libby app in a recent blog post that were made throughout 2021. . The company has further outlined upcoming enhancements users can expect in 2022.

The blog post itself is detailed about what’s been done so I won’t restate it here. I will say that the overall experience of using VoiceOver with Libby has improved dramatically to the point of actually being usable.

Thank you to users, libraries, librarians and OverDrive for the progress here. I also want to give a special thank you to the city of Madison, Madison Public Library, staff of the South Central Library System and my city alder Lindsay Lemmer. It was just before COVID really hit the U.S. by force when I had extensive discussions with these individuals and will say that everyone’s response and follow-up was outstanding.

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