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Disappointing Response from Pandora

A little more than a year ago I wrote about
Pandora’s failure to understand the current state of Flash accessibility. The net impact is that you are unable to sign into the main web site to use your Pandora account. The Flash used on the web site has several other accessibility issues as well. As I wrote back then, Pandora’s main response was that Adobe needed to do more to make Flash accessible.


I used a recent announcement about an update to the Pandora service to revisit the state of Pandora accessibility with the folks from Pandora. While the conversation did move beyond a restatement that Adobe needed to do more, the end result seems to be that improving Pandora accessibility isn’t likely to happen any time soon.


I will say that if you use Pandora through the alternative of a Squeezebox, things have actually improved. The integration between Pandora and the Squeeze Center software has improved to the point that you can delete stations, add music to them and in general use your full Pandora account. Still it would be nice to see the main web site fix basic accessibility issues.


What follows is an exchange of comments from myself and a Pandora representative on the Pandora blog. Note that in the below I did edit to correct two typing errors in my original comments.


Any chance of fixing the sign in accessibility issues for people who use screen readers. I’m on my second year of subscribing to Pandora and Adobe has built an infrastructure to make Flash accessible years ago. Yet the last time I talked with your support department about this a year ago, I was told Adobe had to make Flash accessible. They did long before this so I still wonder if you are looking at this or what’s causing the delay. I shouldn’t have to get assistance just to sign in here. Other web sites have resolved this.

Posted by: Kelly Ford at May 26, 2009 04:27 PM


@Kelly Ford–Here’s our FAQ entry with the skinny on accessibility for visually-impaired users: Please write if you have any further questions.


Posted by: Alee – Listener Advocate at May 28, 2009 11:49 AM



You are missing my point. I already know about the support link telling me the hints for people who are blind and have discussed this very issue with support on numerous occasions. And that support link says to sign in I need to get someone who can see to sign me in. My point is that this an endless circle. Pandora tells me Adobe needs to do more to make Flash accessible. And I’m saying Adobe has done the work and did it years ago. For some references please see, the Adobe accessibility blog at, and the Adobe Best practices at

The last time I exchanged e-mail with support on this topic I was told to go tell Adobe you needed Flash to support accessibility. And Adobe says they do support it and my use of Flash web sites that comply with Adobe’s accessibility requirements shows that it is possible to make an accessible flash site.

So I’m trying to understand what it will take to get Pandora to move forward on this. Is it a resource issue (you don’t have the funds), a knowledge issue or something missing from Flash’s accessibility support? I’d really like to not have this same discussion in 2010.

Posted by: Kelly Ford at May 28, 2009 04:57 PM


@Kelly Ford–Allow me to apologize. It will indeed take more than Adobe’s accessibility for Pandora to create an independently useable sign-in interface for visually impaired users. It is on our to-do list and I am very sorry to say that we have no new developments on when this will be available.


Posted by: Alee – Listener Advocate at June 2, 2009 12:12 PM



The following message is making the rounds of various blindness-related e-mail lists. I know Oregon has been hit hard by the current economic situation but having lived in the state for five years and worked closely with several from the commission (both staff and consumers) I know the excellentwork done there and the positive impact on people as a result. This doesn’t strike me as the right way to resolve economic challenges.




The Oregon Commission for the Blind was informed by Governor Kulongoski’s office on Friday, May 15, 2009 that he is recommending that the Commission for the Blind be “suspended” as a result of the economic crisis. This would mean that the agency would cease to operate effective July 1, 2009 and the services we provide would somehow be integrated into other programs within state government.


We believe that this is not a cost effective decision and that the services that the agency provides to blind Oregonians are at great risk if this recommendation is carried out. The Oregon Legislature will be making the final decision as to whether or not to continue the Commission for the Blind.


The agency provides specialized vocational rehabilitation and independent living services to individuals who are blind. It is the only organization in Oregon which provides these services.


Only 11% of the agency budget is provided by state general fund used to match federal grants. This represents less than ½ of 1% of the total state general/lottery fund budget.


Agency services are cost effective. Successfully employed agency clients pay back the state investment of their rehabilitation program in less than

16 months through their tax contributions and create savings in other programs such as the Oregon Health Plan and other forms of public assistance.


The older blind independent living program helps seniors live independently after vision loss and prevents or prolongs the need for seniors to enter into assisted living or nursing homes. Delaying the need for this care by even one year can save the state $36,000-$68,000 per individual.



The agency felt that it is imperative that we share this information with all interested parties so that they can contact the legislature as soon as possible. Contacts should be made immediately with the Ways and Means Human Services Sub-committee and the Full Ways and Means Committee as a decision could be made within the week. Included is a contact list for your information.


The following contains a list of members of the full committee and subcommittee on Human Services. Following on subsequent pages is the contact information for each committee member.

Ways and Means Full Committee Membership:

Sen. Margaret Carter, Co-Chair

Rep. Peter Buckley, Co-Chair

Sen. Betsy Johnson, Vice-Chair

Rep. Nancy Nathanson, Vice-Chair

Sen. Alan C Bates

Sen. Fred Girod

Sen. Rod Monroe

Sen. David Nelson

Sen. Joanne Verger

Sen. Vicki L Walker

Sen. Doug Whitsett

Sen. Jackie Winters

Rep. David Edwards

Rep. Larry Galizio

Rep. Bill Garrard

Rep. George Gilman

Rep. Bob Jenson

Rep. Betty Komp

Rep. Tina Kotek

Rep. Dennis Richardson

Rep. Chip Shields

Rep. Greg Smith



Human Services Subcommittee Membership:

Sen. Alan C Bates, Co-Chair

Rep. Tina Kotek, Co-Chair

Sen. Margaret Carter

Sen. Jackie Winters

Rep. Mitch Greenlick

Rep. Bill Kennemer

Rep. Dennis Richardson

Rep. Carolyn Tomei

Senator Alan C Bates

Party: D District: 3

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1703

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-205, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Peter Buckley

Party: D District: 5

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1405

Interim Phone: 541-488-9180

Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-286, Salem,, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 71 Dewey Street , Ashland, OR, 97520

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator Margaret Carter

Party: D District: 22

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1722

Interim Phone: 503-282-6846

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-209, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: PO Box 3722, Portland, OR, 97208

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative David Edwards



Party: D District: 30

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1430

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-384, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Larry Galizio

Party: D District: 35

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1435

Interim Phone: 503-350-0804

Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-282, Salem,, OR, 97301 Interim Address: P.O. Box 231161, Tigard, OR, 97281

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Bill Garrard



Party: R District: 56

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1456

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-480, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative George Gilman

Party: R District: 55

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1455

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-493, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator Fred Girod



Party: R District: 9

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1709

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-421, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>



Representative Mitch Greenlick



Party: D District: 33

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1433

Interim Phone: 503-297-2416

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-492, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 712 NW Spring Ave., Portland, OR, 97229

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Bob Jenson



Party: R District: 58

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1458

Interim Phone: 541-276-5821

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-481, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 2126 N. W. Despain Ave., Pendleton, OR, 97801

Email: <>

Website: <>



Senator Betsy Johnson

Party: D District: 16

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1716

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-215, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Bill Kennemer



Party: R District: 39

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1439

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-380, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Betty Komp

Party: D District: 22

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1422

Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-273, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Tina Kotek



Party: D District: 44

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1444

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-281, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator Rod Monroe



Party: D District: 24

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1724

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, S-409, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Nancy Nathanson

Party: D District: 13

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1413

Interim Phone: 541-343-2206

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE, H-280, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: PO Box 41895, Eugene, OR, 97404

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator David Nelson

Party: R District: 29

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1729

Interim Phone: 541-278-2332

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-211, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 1407 NW Horn Ave., Pendleton, OR, 97801

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Dennis Richardson



Party: R District: 4

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1404

Interim Phone: 541-601-0083

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-373, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 55 South 5th St., Central Point, OR, 97502

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Chip Shields

Party: D District: 43

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1443

Interim Phone: 503-231-2564

Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-276, Salem,, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 5313 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR, 97217

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Greg Smith

Party: R District: 57

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1457

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-482, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Representative Carolyn Tomei

Party: D District: 41

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1441

Interim Phone: 503-653-5180

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., H-279, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 11907 SE 19th Ave., Milwaukie, OR, 97222

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator Joanne Verger

Party: D District: 5

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1705

Interim Phone: 541-756-4140

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-401, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 3696 Broadway PMB 344, North Bend, OR, 97459

Email: <>

Website: <>






Senator Vicki L Walker

Party: D District: 7

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1707

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-309, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator Doug Whitsett

Party: R District: 28

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1728

Interim Phone: 541-882-1315

Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE., S-303, Salem, OR, 97301 Interim Address: 23131 North Poe Valley Rd., Klamath Falls, OR, 97603

Email: <>

Website: <>


Senator Jackie Winters



Party: R District: 10

Capitol Phone: 503-986-1710

Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-301, Salem, OR, 97301

Email: <>


Website: <>

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MLB Improving Accessibility of Gameday Audio

Good news for anyone who uses MLB’s
Gameday Audio service. I recently received the following e-mail from Lainey Feingold. For those who are not familiar with Lainey’s work, she’s been behind numerous improvements around accessibility over the past several years in areas ranging from ATMs to web sites.


To everyone who has contacted me about this year’s Game Day Audio Player on


MLB has put up an accessible player for Game Day Audio.  The new accessible game day audio player and related media center is live now (as of earlier this afternoon), but mlb is still working on all the internal links to integrate this player into the site.  That part should be done early next week.  But in the meanwhile, you can use the new player by going directly to the following url:


Please let us know what you think, and we’ll let you know as soon as this new player is integrated into the full site.  ACB, CCB and BSCB continue to work on other accessibility issues on through the structured negotiations process, including the game day audio service.  We know that problems still exist for subscribers, so please let us know if you subscribe to  Feedback about the new game day audio player will be shared with MLB.


One other accessibility issue that has been address is the all-star ballot.  This year’s ballot has been designed to be accessible and has an audio captcha.  The ballot is available at:  Please send any feedback on this as well.


Thanks for everyone’s support as we work with MLB to make the site accessible, 





Lainey Feingold

Law Office of Lainey Feingold


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Ghosts in Seattle

Whether you are a believer or not, the Market Ghost Tour is worth a try should you ever visit Seattle. Aimee and I took the tour last evening with a friend of hers from work and despite being drenched by rain, the experience was entertaining.


The hour-long walking tour leads you through parts of Pike Place Market pointing out buildings that are supposedly haunted. While no ghosts were encountered on our stroll, I for one learned a bit of Seattle’s history that I hadn’t heard before.


As an example, you can learn all about a Dr. Linda Hazzard who built her medical claim to fame on the theory that starvation was the cure to all ills. I guess you could say the theory worked because in the end the maladies afflicting the good doctor’s patients did go away. Unfortunately something else ended up doing most of the people in. Wonder of wonder it was the same Dr. Hazzard who filled out most of the death certificates in these cases. According to the tour guide, Paramount Pictures is coming out with a movie on this next year. Should you so choose, you can read Hazzard’s book “Fasting for the Cure of Disease”.


Our tour guide Mercedes was a walking storybook of Seattle history, much of it not the sort you’d find in any chamber of commerce version of what one should know about Seattle. She has a book of her stories available along with links to several other books that may be of interest.

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Accessible Interface to YouTube

A recent message on the WebAIM mailing list talked about a more accessible interface for YouTube. This was created by a student investigating the impact of web 2.0 apps on people who are blind.


This isn’t necessarily a finished product but does seem to work well. It is particularly nice if you are using a screen reader and browser that support ARIA live updating. This is a technology that allows web page changes to be announced automatically to the screen reading user.


The accessible interface to YouTube can be accessed at As an example in this version, ARIA live updates are used to announce video states such as buffering, playing and paused.


This is a research project so the developer is looking for feedback. Consider dropping by the page and completing a short questionnaire.


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An Accessibility Thanks to Goodreads

I use a social networking site for book enthusiasts known as Goodreads. The basic concept behind the site is that you share what you are reading with friends and they share with you and you all get to discover more good reads.


Maybe 18 months ago I mentioned an issue around missing alt text on book titles on the site. Goodreads fixed the issue in about a day. Recently a change broke the issue and the site developers fixed things in a day. It is nice to see web developers take accessibility seriously and be so responsive when issues do come up.


If you enjoy books, give Goodreads a try. I’ve found it quite handy to keep track of what I’ve read and have discovered several new authors and books to read.

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W3C’s WAI Has Two Opportunities to Help Shape the Future of Accessible Web Browsing

For those who haven’t heard about this in other arenas, I wanted to let readers know that the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has some key opportunities to help shape the future of an accessible web browsing experience. There are two documents that have been released recently that offer opportunities to comment.


WAI-ARIA Last Call


WAI-ARIA defines a way to enhance the accessibility of web applications and user interfaces that are commonplace on the web today. It makes it possible as an example to create a tree view control in HTML and related script and have a screen reader and web browser treat that control like a tree view you may have experienced in a desktop application. Obviously the specification is only part of the story as you need both the web browser and screen reader or other assistive technology to support ARIA as well. Firefox has supported ARIA for a while and the recently released IE8 has added support for ARIA to IE.


You can learn more about the last call ARIA document and some companion documents that talk about adding support to ARIA in a browser and best practices for using the technology starting at The announcement may indicate that comments were due by 3/24 on the last call document but I know comments are still being accepted beyond that date.


User Agent 2.0 Working Draft Available for Review


The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group is in the process of updating guidelines on what it means to be an accessible user agent. User agent really means web browser and the guidelines talk about everything from what keyboard access in a web browser should do to how web content should be made available to applications such as screen readers. I’m personally a member of this working group and when I think about the number of web browsing applications that exist today and that will exist five years from now, I think a UAAG 2.0 document is an excellent opportunity for us all to help ensure we can browse the web on all the different devices where it is available. This goes far beyond just the browsers we use on our notebooks, desktops and maybe cell phones today. UAAG 2.0 is still in a development stage and the group has some tough challenges we are tackling. I’d encourage those with an interest in the space to review the current working draft and share feedback. You can learn more starting at

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Freedom Scientific Talks About ARIA

The current episode of Freedom Scientific’s podcast called FSCast has an extensive discussion of ARIA (accessible rich internet applications). At a high level, ARIA is a way to ensure that the complexity of desktop applications being reproduced on the web remains accessible.


The podcast is worth a listen for anyone interested in web accessibility. Although JAWS is used in some of the demonstrations, the discussion of ARIA hits at the benefits and challenges of ARIA for any screen reading user. Take a listen to the podcast directly at

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