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Category: Accessibility

MLB Strikes Out on Accessibility

Although it took a structured negotiation and settlement, at one point MLB seemed like it was turning the corner on improving and sustaining accessibility. Sadly that time seems to have passed, much like a favorite star of yesterday.

Most recently, MLB added a simple game to their AT Bat app with a bracket challenge to pick winners in the upcoming Home Run Derby. The problem is for accessibility purposes, MLB used “Player Name” as the accessible names for each player. Obviously this means if you use a screen reader such as VoiceOver on the iPhone, you have no idea what names you’d be selecting. Capping the problem off, when I called MLB’s dedicated accessibility support phone number to report the issue, the support representative asked me, “What’s VoiceOver?” I spent more of the call teaching the person how to use VoiceOver versus anything else.

One can only wonder if MLB did any accessibility testing of this game. It took me less than two minutes to notice the issue. For an organization that seems to keep statistics on almost every conceivable aspect of a game, it doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult to ensure accessibility testing is a part of all processes.

After trying the game in the At Bat app, I did try the web site as a part of writing this blog post. That does work a bit better but still has issues. Further, why should users of screen readers be forced to jump through extra hoops and try multiple versions just to have a bit of recreation? MLB has demonstrated the ability to be a leader in accessibility previously. Here’s hoping the organization finds a way to return to those levels. In this case, it is a strikeout on accessibility, leaving this fan disappointed and more.


Inaccessibility Simply Gets Old

There are times when the continued lack of accessibility in basic tasks gets old. Today I wanted to see if my local Staples store carried a product so conducted a product search. Between all the instances of “icon”and “product tile large” on the resulting page, I have absolutely no idea if the product I was searching for is actually available.

I could write all about web accessibility standards or why it is important to make your web site accessible. I could also write a detailed analysis of what is wrong on the web site. Instead I’ll just say, it is disappointing that near the end of 2018, a product search on a major retail company’s web site still leads to every product reading”product tile large” with  multiple screen readers.

Staples does have an accessibility policy of sorts.

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Improving the Usability of an Online Scrabble Game

A friend recently invited me to play a scrabble-like online game called Jamble on a service called (IYT). The service is far from a model of accessibility and I’m hopeful the company will respond to my contact about improving the basic accessibility of the site. Until that happens, I wanted to share some tips and a dictionary file I’ve created for the JAWS screen reader because it does make the game quite playable in my opinion.

The fundamental challenge for IYT and screen readers in particular is that the site makes extensive use of graphics that are all missing alternative text. JAWS, as do some other screen readers, copes with this situation by communicating some form of the address to the graphic file. In JAWS, if the graphic is part of a link, that address will be communicated by default. If it is just a graphic, a setting allows JAWS to still communicate that address. You will want to change the JAWS settings for graphics from show tagged to show all.

In my first game, the game board for Jamble read something like the following to me:

15 jb/jb-bl-2l jb/jb-bl jb/jb-bl jb/jb-bl-3w jb/jb-bl jb/jb-bl jb/jb-bl jb/jb-bl-2l

My seven letter tiles read as:

jb/jb-qu jb/jb-C jb/jb-D jb/jb-E jb/jb-L jb/jb-U jb/jb-V  

In fact, about the only positive was that the gameboard used an HTML table so screen reading table commands could be used to easily move around.

Turning the mishmash of letters here into something meaningful was quite easy though. A common feature of screen readers is to have a speech dictionary that allows a user to enter alternative spellings of words to improve on the pronunciation when speech synthesis doesn’t get things quite right.

Fixing all of the missing alt text and getting the various game squares and letter tiles to read something meaningful involved entering a series of speech dictionary definitions. For example, the text “jb/jb-bl-2l” was replaced with “Double Letter” since that square on the board was a double letter square. This means that JAWS now says “double letter” instead of the jb-gibberish.

One challenge I encountered initially when playing the game was finding the new word played each time by my opponent. The new letters played have a slightly different filename graphic for the first turn after they are played. A “-z” is appended to the filename. It was just a matter of updating speech dictionary rules to indicate not just the letter but also the fact that it was new. That helped with ensuring the letter was read correctly but I had no interest in hunting around a 15X15 grid to find new words each turn.

While the speech dictionary in JAWS does replace how words are communicated, it doesn’t alter the basic text. So, I was able to identify that the filename for the new letters always ends in -z. Thus, to find the new word just played by my opponent each time it is my turn, I can just do a search for -z and JAWS will position me on the first new letter on the board. I can then use table reading commands to explore around that letter to find the rest of the newly created word.

I’ve published a speech dictionary for this game in two forms. First is a JAWS settings package you can use to import the dictionary into JAWS. This is for the Chrome web browser. In JAWS, use the Import/Export menu option on the Utilities menu and choose import. In the dialog that appears, provide the file location where you save the settings file. For more information on importing settings files, please see the topic Importing and Exporting User Settings in the JAWS help.

For those comfortable with JAWS file locations and such, I’ve also published the chrome.jdf

file directly. You can download this file and copy it manually to the appropriate location on your computer. This would be %appdata%/Roaming/Freedom%20Scientific/JAWS/2019/Settings/enu with the most recent version of JAWS. You can also rename it for other web browsers or copy the existing text into your own existing dictionary file.

I am also experimenting with the ability in JAWS to use sounds in these dictionary files. That will allow game squares that are double and triple words or letters as an example to play unique sounds. Another dictionary update will be available when this sound option is completed.

Some Notes on Game Play and Other Randomness

To the extent my interest, time and ability to make updates is available, I intent this blog post to be a bit of a living document. What follows are brief notes about game play, screen reading techniques and other information that might be helpful if you opt to try this or other games from the IYT web site.

  1. The basic table for games in Jamble is a 16×16 table. The left-most column contains numbers for each row in the table. The numbers start at 15 in the upper left corner of the table. The bottom cell in this column is blank.
  2. The bottom row, or row 16, of the table contains the letters a through o to give letters to each column in the table.
  3. This leaves a 15 x 15 grid with the upper left corner reported as row 1 column 2 by a screen reader. Again, the left most column in the full grid, or column 1, is used for numbering.
  4. When you are playing a game of Jamble, the top part of the page contains links and information for navigating the IYT web site. It is likely fastest to hit t to get to the table for the game when you load a game. During game play, you and your opponent can post messages as a part of taking your turn. These will appear just before the table.
  5. Your letters appear as links just after the game table. The text “your letters” appears just before the letters themselves. Unfortunately, this is not a heading so you will likely need to use search function in a screen reader to get to this area.
  6. Immediately after your seven letter tiles are another seven links. These appear to be small graphic files that either serve no purpose or duplicate functionality of the letter tiles. The speech dictionary files define these links not to speak anything as a result. JAWS will still call these “graphic” because they are links.
  7. After your letter tiles, information about the game score, tiles remaining, and previous moves is shown. For previous moves, I have had the best success activating the link to show all moves. This then shows a table listing the starting coordinates for each word played and the point value awarded. The table has three columns that show the turn number, and then a column for both you and your opponent’s move.
  8. After the score and move information, there are several graphics showing the points awarded for different letters. Unfortunately, again these are missing alt text and so far I’ve not found a way to indicate the point values of letters. Just defining speech definitions in this case is not enough because you need to associate the color of the point graphic with the color of the tile played and the graphic files for the letters indicate nothing about color. As of now speech definitions for these graphics have not been entered so they will read something like “jb/jb-cir2”. Again, this is an image showing a color and telling players that letters of that color are worth two points in this example.
  9. The IYT Game Status page has three tables of interest. The first shows how many games you have indifferent categories. The second shows games where it is your turn. Activate the links containing opponent names to take your turn in each game. The final table shows games where it is your opponent’s turn.
  10. Taking a turn in Jamble involves a few steps:
    1. Locate the square where you want to place the first letter of a word you want to make and press enter on that square.
    2. In the edit box that results, enter the letters you will use to make your word. Do not include letters that are already on the board. If you are using a blank character, type the letter you want the blank to represent.
    3. Select across, the default, or down, to indicate the direction of your wort from a combo box just after the edit box where you entered your letters.
    4. Use the submit button to enter your letters.
    5. You will have a second submit button on the resulting page along with an edit box where you can enter a message for your opponent if you want to do so. Complete your turn by using the submit button from this page.
      1. If the resulting page reports it has 59 or so links, it means your word was not successful. There are brief instructions about what might be wrong. The page instructions tell you to use the back button in your browser to resubmit but I have found it faster to just return to the Game Status page and get back to the game from that page.
      2. If the resulting page has 86 or so links, your turn is done and your word was successfully played.
  11. If a blank tile is played, both the fact that it was originally a blank and the letter it represents are indicated on the board. I have not found a way to label this entirely so in these cases JAWS will announce a w and then the letter represented by the blank.
  12. The JAWS speech dictionary does not impact the braille representation of text and I have not found an equivalent method to adjust what’s communicated in this game for braille as of yet. As a result, in braille this game is still going to show all the untagged graphic file names.
  13. As mentioned earlier, the JAWS speech dictionary does not alter text when reading by character so if you read by character, you will still experience all the text such as “jb/jb-“.
  14. If you want to find a specific letter on the board, use the JAWS find text feature with ctrl+f and enter a dash followed immediately by the letter you are searching for. As a reminder, the game appends a -z to letters the first time they appear in new words so there is a chance when searching for a z on the board you will also hit this situation.
  15. JAWS has another feature known as Custom Labels that could possibly also be used to rename the untagged graphics. However, in trying that, I have found that the coordinates in a table seem to be saved along with the label, making this feature an impractical solution here.
  16. IYT has a number of games. Again, I hope the company will respond to my inquiry about improving accessibility but until they do, the techniques I’ve outlined here can be used for many of their other games.
  17. IYT is free and also offers subscriptions. Free accounts are limited to 15 game turns a day.
  18. As a reminder, these speech dictionaries are redefining the way the strings of text are pronounced by JAWS. If these same strings were to appear on another web site used in the same browser, these definitions would also be applied.

The Dictionary Entries

Following are the entries I’ve used in the dictionary files you can download.

;Double Letter

.-2l.Double Letter.*.*.*.0.0.

;Double Word

.-2w.Double Word.*.*.*.0.0.

;Triple Letter

.-3l.Triple Letter.*.*.*.0.0.

;Triple Word

.-3w.Triple Word.*.*.*.0.0.

;New letter played on board

.-z.New Letter.*.*.*.0.0.

;Squares on board with a tile played. This silences all but the letter indication.

.jb/jb-. .*.*.*.0.0.

;Empty squares on board, no letter has been played.


;graphics in letter tile area that have no purpose

.jb/wtdot. .*.*.*.0.0.

;A blank letter in player letter tile area

.jb/jb-qu.Blank Tile.*.*.*.0.0.

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Three positions with the W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative Available in Europe

The W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) project has three positions available based in Europe to work on various aspects of web accessibility.  All positions indicate they are for a period of three years starting on Jan 1, 2019.

The organization is looking for a Web Authoring Tools Accessibility Specialist, an Emerging Web Technologies Accessibility Specialist and a Web Accessibility Education and Training Specialist.  Full job descriptions and application requirements can be found at

An email with the original announcement of these positions is also available.

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Quick Notes on Using a Virtual Machine Environment With A Screen Reader

Over the years I’ve used a range of solutions for solving the basic challenge of wanting to experiment with new versions of operating systems, screen readers, applications and more without breaking a working system.  From using dedicated test computers, various hard drive imaging solutions, dual booting (running two operating systems on the same machine) and of course using what are known as virtual machines through the various virtual machine technologies available.

The majority of my experience has been running virtual machine technology on Windows to run other windows machines in a virtual environment.  Information in this post is therefore limited to that combination.  There are viable solutions on other platforms as well.

The goal of this post isn’t to provide a full tutorial on using virtual machines.  It is to share a few notes and things I’ve learned in case they are of assistance to others using similar technology in conjunction with a screen reader as a starting point.

For those unfamiliar with what a virtual machine is, think of it as a way to run a second or third computer on an existing computer through a software program.  There are many benefits to this including as mentioned the ability to try things out without breaking a working environment.

The three virtual environments I’ve used are Hyper-V, built directly into Windows; VM Player and VM Work Station from VMware and VirtualBox from Oracle.

There is no one perfect virtual machine solution and in my experience each of the three options I’ve explored has strengths and weaknesses.

I have had success using all three of the solutions I’ve mentioned.  Each requires you understand what’s necessary to get the virtual machine configured and how to access the machine of course.  I do routinely use virtual machines in my environment though and they can be a very helpful tool.

Aside from possibly having to enable the feature, Hyper-V being part of Windows can be very handy and the machine management user experience works well in my experience with screen readers.  In general screen reader-friendly tree-view and list-views are used for most controls.  Perhaps the biggest limitation is that Hyper-V does not support audio directly until you are able to establish a remote desktop connection to the machine.  This means that unless you are skilled at fully unattended operating system install and configuration, there’s a strong possibility you will need assistance in creating the initial virtual machines you want to use.

I have used both the consumer-oriented VM Player and the more enterprise-oriented VM work station over the years.  The machine management experience in VM Player works well with screen readers.  Again, most controls are screen reader-friendly tree-view and list-views.  However, VM Player is limited in some key areas such as the ability to run multiple virtual machines at once or take what are commonly known as snapshots of a virtual machine.  Think of a snapshot as a way to capture your virtual machine at a point in time so if something goes wrong or you want to get back to that point, it is as easy as applying that snapshot.

VM Work Station is a full-featured VM solution.  However in my experience the machine management part of the program did not work as well with screen readers.  Additionally, in my environment I have found more keyboard quirks when switching from a virtual machine back to the main operating system.  These are not insurmountable problems and at one point I used VM Work Station with success for several years.  In general VM Player is free for individual use while Work Station requires you purchase the software.

Both VM Player and VM Work Station have native support for audio.  This means that with the ability starting in Windows 10 to use Microsoft’s Narrator during operating system install, in most cases it is possible to create a virtual machine completely independently.

Whether you use VM Player or Work Station, two important keyboard commands to know are CTRL+g to put keyboard focus into a virtual machine and CTRL+Alt to put keyboard focus back to your host or main machine operating system.  In my experience, it has been helpful to press the Control key a couple times alone after using the CTRL+Alt combination to avoid modifier keys seemingly locked when switching back to your host machine.

Oracle’s Virtual Box has been an interesting experience. .  The machine management and settings areas of the program are very mixed when used with screen readers.  Some items work quite well, such as menus for working with individual machines, while others, such as the experience to modify hotkeys in the program and other machine settings, work poorly at best.  Additionally, I’ve found keyboard access when using up and down arrows in a list of virtual machines sometimes jumps out of this list.  I’ve taken to ensuring I give each virtual machine a name starting with a unique letter because I know once I am in the list of machines, I can press that letter and ensure I move focus to a specific machine.

As with the VMware products, VirtualBox has support for audio natively.  This means that again, fully independent creation and configuration of a virtual machine running Windows 10 is possible.

By default VirtualBox uses the right, and only the right, Control key as what it calls the Host key.  Use that key to toggle keyboard access between the virtual machine and your main computer.  Use CTRL+Home to access a menu of options related to the running virtual machine and use CTRL+t to take a snapshot of the virtual machine.

VirtualBox also has extensive command line support.  Chapter 8 of the user manual has all the details and I find myself largely using this option to work with my virtual machines when using VirtualBox.

VirtualBox has a licensing model that supports both personal use for free and business/enterprise use at a cost.  Oracle’s licensing pages have more information.

As mentioned earlier, details here are largely based on a Windows environment.  Similar solutions exist on other computing environments, often from the same companies mentioned here.  Even on Windows, you are not limited to running just a Windows virtual machine.  In fact that is one of the benefits of using virtualization technology.

Virtual machines can be a handy enhancement to a computing environment.  There is a bit of learning, especially for the first machine you create and use.  Once you’ve crossed that knowledge bridge, creating multiple machines becomes largely as easy as repeating what has been successful in the past.

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Users of WordPress Might Want to Try a New Editing Experience Titled Gutenberg

I normally do not write blog posts directly online using WordPress. However in doing some updating today, I noticed text talking about a new editing experience coming to WordPress called Gutenberg.  Details on the project can be found at

If you are a screen reading user who writes content inside of WordPress, trying Gutenberg is something you may want to consider.  I’m just learning it as I write here but am noticing some issues between the new editing experience and screen readers.  Most notably, as you arrow around content you are creating, you are hearing details about the format, such as paragraph, heading and such.  This would be great but often you hear it for all the content, not just the item with focus and also, at times you do not hear the current line with focus at all.  This seems to happen most frequently when you transition between what Gutenberg considers blocks.  Blocks are basically different elements, such as paragraphs, headings and such.

There is a GitHub issues page for the project at

If trying new experiences and giving feedback is something you are inclined to do, this may be worth investing time in, especially if you are an author who uses WordPress.  The project page indicates the goal is for Gutenberg to become the default editing experience in WordPress over time.

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Interests Intersect: Reading and Accessibility

This morning has been an opportunity to combine two of my interests–reading and accessibility.  Several years ago I read the first of the Jonathan Quinn series  from author Brett Battles and have come to enjoy each new book. The books are fast-paced action-packed adventures that have been set in a range of interesting destinations.
I’m also intrigued by how authors make it in the new world of publishing, Amazon and just the full range of how the book world has evolved. Brett Battles has been interesting to follow on that front also.
In full transparency, I received an advanced copy of the most recent book in the Quinn series with only the ask that if possible I post a review once the book came out and that I help spread the word about the book. Well, the book came out today so I was going to share a post from the author someplace in social media.
Now we get to accessibility.  Before going there though, I’ll say that if you enjoy thrillers, give The Fractured a read.
I went to Facebook to copy a link to the author page for Brett Battles and for whatever reason this is the first text I ended up reading:
Icon of invite friends to like the lage
This is alt text on a graphic on the page.  Part of the HTML as you would expect reads:
alt=Icon of invite friends to like the lage
Please, if you are creating alternative text, proofread it just as closely as you do other text or give it the same attention you do to images.  This sort of experience happens more than you would think.  I’m by no means perfect and I’m sure I myself can find many issues in my own writing, not to mention what others could point out.  But this means every page on Facebook that uses this like the page icon, is giving users who rely on alt text this “like the lage” text.
Typically I’d probably not mention the alt text issue publicly but instead find the Facebook accessibility contacts and send them a note.  I just found it ironic that I went to share details on a book and this was the first text I ended up reading.  Now I’m off to join Jonathan Quinn and the rest of the gang and finish The Fractured.  Join me in the adventure.
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Big Ten Academic Alliance on Library E-Resources Accessibility

As a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and someone who has a longtime interest in library accessibility, the Big Ten Academic Alliance on library E-Resources accessibility caught my attention. I’m sure some in the accessibility arena are already familiar with this effort as it has been around for a couple of years. It was new to me, so I thought I’d share information about the effort.

According to the group’s web page, acting on concerns over the inaccessibility of many electronic resources in libraries, the group has a pilot project to fund third-party evaluations of various resources member libraries use or are considering purchasing. The organization also offers standardized accessibility license language that can be used in contracts.

Testing results currently contain evaluations of 17 different resources. Vendor responses to six of the evaluations are also provided. Having this level of detail made available publicly is excellent.

The standardized accessibility licensing language is about what you would expect. It calls for compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA criteria. It further stipulates that product upgrades and maintenance should not break accessibility. Vendors are also asked to provide an accurate voluntary product accessibility template to indicate how they comply with key accessibility standards including Section 508, from the United States Government; EN 301 549, European Union standards; and WCAG 2.0, international guidelines on web accessibility. Last, where products do not currently meet accessibility standards, vendors are expected to do so in a timely fashion and at no additional cost to the organizations licensing the products. Again, the contract language itself is about what you’d expect and what’s more important is getting this level of detail into contractual arrangements.

Having this sort of collective action from organizations who must meet legal requirements to serve their audiences is great. This is an effort to continue to monitor as the group will continue to post updates and evaluations on their web site.

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Northwest Access Fund Seeking Executive Director

The following post is copied from an email distributed to a public email list with a request to circulate. I am sharing the full content here because I have not found this posted online at a web address I can share.

Executive Director – Northwest Access Fund

The Northwest Access Fund is seeking an Executive Director with excellent nonprofit management, outreach, and fundraising skills. The Access Fund is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) established to promote access to technology and economic opportunity for people with disabilities in Washington and Oregon.

The Access Fund provides low interest loans, matched savings accounts, financial counseling, and other financing services. It helps people of all ages with disabilities of all types to acquire the technologies needed to live independently, to succeed at school, at work, at play and in the community, to build assets, and otherwise improve their socio-economic circumstances. The Fund has a small highly dedicated staff (6+ total FTE) and a committed 15-member Board of Directors—a majority of them are individuals with disabilities–with a range of skills in community development, assistive technology, banking, and disability policy.

This position is hired by and under the general supervision of the Board of Directors.

We are committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all employees and to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and applicants for employment will be considered without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Provide strategic leadership and program direction and development within the context of organizational vision, mission, and core values under the general discretion and authority of the Board of Directors.
  • Implement organization’s priorities and objectives as established by the Board.
  • Work closely with and seek counsel from the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Provide regular reports to the Board of Directors. Support the Board of Directors with regards to meetings, board development, and planning.
  • Work closely with the Development Director and other staff to conduct public relations and outreach activities. Oversee an annual Development Plan in collaboration with the Development Director.
  • Spearhead the research of and response to grant opportunities, and solicit corporate and grant funding in conjunction with Development Director and program staff. Contribute significantly to the writing and submission of grant and other funding applications.
  • Responsible for overall financial management of the organization. In collaboration with the Finance Manager and Board Treasurer, manage total current assets of approximately $2 million and an operating budget of $700,000. Draft annual budget in collaboration with the Finance Manager and Board Financial Committee for full Board approval.
  • Responsible for management and supervision of all staff, including hiring of new staff, providing for an annual evaluation, and maintaining high level of staff retention. Delegate and assign administrative, program, and development tasks as needed. Provide effective communication and cultivate an office environment that allows for professional development.
  • Ensure compliance with all grant requirements and supervise preparation of grant and other program status reports to Board, grant sponsors, and other funders.


  • Minimum of 3 years relevant nonprofit management experience
  • Experience with community development lending and/or asset building strategies for low-income populations
  • Established experience in fundraising, grant writing and submission
  • Strong fiscal management skills and adequate understanding of non-profit accounting
  • Knowledge of disability community and disability/assistive technology policy issues
  • Strong background in program development, management, and outcomes evaluation
  • Excellent people skills and ability to work with diverse populations
  • Strong public speaking skills
  • Ability and availability to travel within the states of Washington and Oregon.

Additional Desired Considerations

  • Advanced degree, or equivalent experience, in public administration, community development, business administration or related field
  • Experience with and/or knowledge of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs)
  • Experience with and/or knowledge of the Assistive Technology Act Programs


Starting salary between $75,000 and $90,000 dependent upon qualifications and experience. Benefits will include annual and sick leave, health, dental & vision coverage, and a simple IRA.

Expected start date:

The beginning of October and is negotiable.

Application Procedures:

Please email a resume and cover letter by September 8, 2017 to Alan Knue, Board President, at Please specifically address your relevant experience and reasons why you are interested in this position.

All questions regarding this position may also be directed to Alan Knue at the above email address.

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