Kelly: Hi, this is Kelly. And I was going to give a short demonstration of something that's been added to Microsoft Word over the last few months. That is, the ability to transcribe audio directly into word for desktop. This has been now available on the web for a couple of years, and if you go to my blog. At, I wrote about doing that with screen readers a while ago. The process is fairly similar, but let's have a listen. I've configured word with all of the privacy settings that Microsoft's asked for to send information to Microsoft. The hot key for me to start this whole process is Alt H, followed by TI have experienced depending on ribbon size and other things that I'm not 100% certain on, sometimes it would be alt HD and then T. So you may have to experiment a bit. Otherwise try Alt H and then down arrow into the ribbon and look for transcribe. I'm going to go ahead and hit Alt H. Now I'm using jaws and we heard it say transcribe add in and then if you notice it's on like a web page started reading. This does use kind of an HTML view and your experience will be better in what I found. If we turn off the virtual PC. NVIDIA browse mode or narrator scan mode. I could start recording and create the transcript, but I have audio I've already recorded. In this case I'm going to use an episode of my podcast. I am going to use the upload audio file option. And I've already put a path where I'm storing the audio. On my clipboard. JAWS: Named Chris Episode 36. Kelly: So I'm just pointing to the recording and I'm going to press enter. JAWS: Might leave the window open. Edit 3% six percent, 7% nine percent, 11 percent, 13 percent, 15%. Kelly: I'm going to let this go. JAWS: 17% nineteen percent, 21 percent, 23 percent, 24 percent, 26 percent, 28 percent, 30 percent, 32 percent, 34 percent, 36%. Kelly: This is a 52 minute long file. JAWS: 30 percent, 40%. 42 percent, 43 percent, 46% transcribing 47 percent 48%. 49%. 20%. 51%. Kelly: While this is transcribing, I will say that according to Microsoft you have unlimited hours of transcription. JAWS: 52%. Kelly: If you're not finding that and you're on a. Domain join machine your corporate IT administrator may need to ask for the unlimited hours feature to be turned on. JAWS: 55%. 56%. Kelly: There's a form on Microsoft website to request this. JAWS: 57%. 66%. 67%. 60%. 69%. Kelly: You'll also notice something's going to happen in a couple of seconds. JAWS: 70%. Kelly: We're at 70%. JAWS: 71%. 72%. 73 percent, 95 percent, 96 percent, 97 percent 99%. Kelly: So you'll notice it jumped from 75 to 95 pretty. JAWS: 1.5 inches. Kelly: If you heard I hit tab and I actually was indenting the document for some reason, focus left the transcription window so I just hit F6 to jump back to it. JAWS: Transcription document. Linux Mint button. Kelly: So that there are now controls to play the audio if I. Wanted to but. So this is the transcript of the audio and you'll notice right now it says speaker one. JAWS: 0 seconds. Kelly: And then a link for the. JAWS: Time and transportation. Kelly: I can say edit transcripts section by press enter. Kelly: So right now it has speaker name, speaker one, I'm going to hit control a I'm going to type Kelly Colon. JAWS: Change all. Kelly: Here's a change all option. If I press space on this. JAWS: Transcribe text that contains text. Kelly: If I wanted to edit this, I could. Kelly: I'll say confirm. JAWS: 0 seconds, namely the transport section. Kelly: And I have to shift tab to get back to the transcript. JAWS: 6 seconds Kelly finally got all the Crystal 657. Kelly: I hit down arrow. JAWS: 7 seconds. 17 seconds. 21 seconds for today. Thanks, Kelly. Five, 657. Kelly: So here's the first instance of speaker two. We wanna go do the same thing. JAWS: 21 seconds later, edit transcription. Kelly: Say Edit transcripts section. I've just tabbed over to that. JAWS: Your name is 02 with 657 items. Your name of the day. Thanks, Kelly. 21 seconds later. Kelly: We will put Chris. JAWS: Check check. 21 seconds for today. Thanks, Kelly. The transport section. Kelly: In this case I only have two speakers, so I don't need to change anything else. JAWS: Add section to document. Kelly: I could add just this. One line or section to the document or right tab once more. JAWS: Add the document menu. Kelly: Here's add to document and if I press enter on this. JAWS: Extended at the document menu, just text 24. Kelly: I have various choices. They're fairly self-explanatory, but I have just text with the speaker identification. JAWS: With time stamps 3 or 4. Kelly: If I want timestamps. JAWS: With zeros and timestamps. Kelly: Or with speakers and timestamps for purposes of my podcast transcript. I'm going to press enter. JAWS: Add the document menu. Kelly: And then we're going to hit control shift of six a couple of times. And we are back in our document and if we hit. Control home. JAWS: 105 episode 36 MP three. Kelly: So there is the file. JAWS: Heading level 1. Transcript Kelly. Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another podcast. Kelly: So here is the full transcript and we could then do spell checking, search, replace or whatever we want. Right now. This has also made links. The section of the audio if you don't want that, you can just save the document as plain text to get rid of all of the links. But it's fairly straightforward to. Produce a transcript.